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Master the Art of Drawing Animal Fur
Welcome Video (2:41)
Pencils and tools (9:42)
Paper (3:19)
Before you start drawing
Getting great reference photos (6:57)
Observation of Values (5:37)
Initial sketch (12:36)
Fur Techniques
Pencil Strokes (43:05)
Direction and Flow (62:51)
Whiskers and fine highlights (17:32)
The importance of Edges (30:58)
Creating Volume (63:33)
Different Types of Fur
Short Fur (52:01)
Long Fur (38:30)
Coloured Fur
White fur (32:30)
Black Fur (57:12)
Fur effects
Clumping and Matting (8:16)
Wet Fur (7:11)
Achieving Photo Realism
Caesar as a puppy - part 1 (46:38)
Caesar as a puppy - part 2 (62:47)
Getting great reference photos
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